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Climate Resources - What Can I do?
The House Never Wins Credits
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For those wanting to know more about the climate crisis and the science of where we are right now:
Extinction Rebellion: The Truth
David Attenborough Climate Change: The Facts
David Attenborough Extinction: The Facts
We know climate crisis can be overwhelming and difficult to process- the CPA have some amazing resources (and a brilliant podcast as well). They’re also running climate cafes online (a safe space to talk about the climate breakdown and our fears surrounding it) Check them out here:
Climate Psychology Alliance:
For theatre makers wanting to make more eco-friendly and sustainable theatre
Staging Change have some great tips and resources here:
Pigfoot Theatre have some great advice about how to make Carbon Neutral theatre here: Pigfoot also have a resource called 'Lockdown: Green Up' a great series of conversations and Q+A's about making work sustainably all available on their facebook page here:
What can I do?
People often talk about if we need individual or systemic change. But in reality we need both. And individual change fuels systemic change, whilst systemic change makes it easier to make meaningful individual change.
We need to push for businesses and governments to change the way they operate.
One such way you can do this is by writing to your MP to support The Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill (#CEEbill). It is a cross party bill that if passed into law would push the government to enact meaningful measures to reduce our emissions by ensuring we have to include our international carbon emissions as well as our domestic ones in our plans to meet carbon targets. It would also implement measures to protect and restore the UK's ecosystems. (Watch David Attenborough's Extinction: The Facts for explanation of how maintaining biodviserty protects the global climate).
For more information on the Bill and for helpful resources and templates when writing to your MP go to
. As well as pushing for systemic change the main thing we can do as individuals is to:
Consume less and consume responsibly.
Despite being on a planet who’s population is dramatically increasing (we are soon to reach 9 billion) the main problem environmentally is not population growth but how a minority of us globally are consuming more than we should. What percentage of the world had a similar planetary score to you?
Everything that we buy even if we can’t see it has a carbon footprint. We need to buy less things. Do we even need all the things we are buying? How were they produced and made? How can we extend the usage of things we buy and be less wasteful? What can we buy used or second hand?
We need to reduce our use of plastics which have both a huge impact on our carbon footprint and are a major pollutant of our oceans, resulting in biodiversity loss. In particular we need to avoid single use plastics
Check out: for tips on reducing our plastic consumption.
We need to reduce our meat and dairy consumption. Food counts for about a 1/4 of our individual carbon footprints in the UK. We can lower this by eating locally and definitely avoiding air freighted food (which is about 100x worse than ship imported food). We can also reduce our food waste (we actually waste about 40% of the food that is produced). But the most important and significant thing we can do to lower the carbon footprint of our diet is reduce our meat and dairy consumption.
The House Never Wins Credits:
Originally commissioned by Upstart Theatre as part of DARE Festival 2019. Supported by Arts Council England, Shoreditch Town Hall, Camden People's Theatre, Ovalhouse and Maketank.
Created by Dylan Frankland & Madeleine Allardice
Performed by Madeleine Allardice
Tech by Dylan Frankland
Technical Support by Keir Cooper
Producer: Turtle Key Arts
Set and Costume Design: Erin Guan
Trailer: Michael Lynch
Poster Design: Keir Cooper
End audio: Caroline Hickman in conversation with Verity Sharp. Extracted from 'Climate Change, Grief and Hope'- episode 1 of the Climate Psychology Alliance's podcast series: Crisis Conversations, ‘Catastrophe or Transformation’.
If you would like to be kept in the loop about future Kill The Cat projects then you can sign up to our (infrequent) mailing list here: